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"Hong Kong, In the name of Democracy"

In 2019 I spend 6 months in Hong Kong Documenting (in Photography and in Video) the Pro-Democracy movement and the Hong Kong Police Force Brutality.
This project resulted in a book called "Hong Kong, In the Name of democracy"  ISBN: 978-2-9199676-0-5



Hong Kong Protests 10 November 2019 

Hong Kong Protests  09 November 2019  

Hong Kong Protests
On the 70 Years anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party                                                  01 October 2019  

Hong Kong Protests 10 August 2019 

Hong Kong Protests  on  13 July 2019 

Hong Kong Protests in Ta Shin on  July 14 2019 

Hong Kong Protests June 12, 2019 Video

© Jose Lopes Amaral. All Rights Reserved. 

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